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The way to slim effectively

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Slim 4 Shrink

Slimming4Life Weight Loss Challenge

Weight loss that works

Slimming4Life is a revolutionary new, science-based weight loss programme.


It helps you lose weight without dieting.


Participants in our Slimming4Life Weight Loss Challenge programmes typically lose half to 1 kilo (1 to 2lb) or even more a week, with:

·                       No counting calories

·                       No frenetic exercising

·                       No expensive foods to buy

·                       No weekly subscriptions


New research

Exciting new diabetic medical research reveals which foods can make you fat, and which foods can make you slim.

It’s all about how fat cells use insulin as a security shield.  If you eat foods that make your insulin spike, it can be hard for fat cells to burn.

But if you eat foods that keep your insulin levels low, your fat cells can  burn and you’ll shed weight.

But which foods make this happen?

We decided to put it all into an easy-to-understand 12-week personal challenge programme.

This is not a diet.  You don’t have to cut back on the things you like to eat.

Or count calories.  This is nothing about being good at mathematics.

And you don’t have to cut back on carbs either.

All you do is make minor changes to your existing eating habits.

And you won’t feel hungry because all you do is swap the carbs that can make you fat… for the carbs that can make you slim!


We’ve made it so simple

We’ve listed all the foods you love into 3 categories.

The GO sheet!    If it’s on the GO Sheet, eat away. You’re in the clear.

The MAYBE sheet!    Eat off the MAYBE sheet in moderation.

The NO WAY sheet!    Check the GO sheet for something that you’ll like just as much.

Slim Shrink the Blog

Slim Shrink the Blog
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